We all agree... outside factors (screens, social media, a toxic culture) are making it harder than ever for children to develop healthily. And yet...

You're sick and tired of second guessing your mom skills, asking: 

Because you have the tools to help your child build resiliency, work through their issues, and create a rock-solid family connection...

...All without feeling the need to spank, yell, threaten, or bust out the iPad to distract anyone. 

Let's look at the day in the life of a Modern Mom for a hot minute.

Modern moms spend 2x the amount of time with their kids as mothers did a few decades ago.

And dads? Forget about it. They (on average) have 4x more face time with their kids. (Sani & Treas)

Modern kids are in a mental health crisis even the government has caught onto. 

It’s certainly not because you don't spend enough time with your kids.

Obviously, facetime is not all that matters. It's maybe not the most important thing. 

Power Playtimes are a powerful remedy for the Modern Mothering Paradox…and they don't involve screens, lots of money, hired help, or rigid rules.

And best of all?

They can be done in just 30 minutes a week!

  • Once a week "dates" with your child (same time, same place)

  • For 30 minutes (on the dot!)

  • Where you have specific (playtime only) toys chosen to help your child play out their challenges, struggles, wants, and wishes

Enter My 8-Week Immersive Program...

A 30-minute (once a week) supportive solution that'll help you avoid expensive therapy bills, excessive screen time, and embarrassing school interventions later.

In this 8-week immersive program you'll learn to create transformative playtimes with your kids (aged 2-12). 

That’s right, you’re going to learn how to have playtimes that help your child work through their issues AND help you alleviate your mom guilt and shame in just 30 minutes, once a week with your child. 

After completing Nurture & Play over the next 8 weeks, you’ll walk away with:

on how to carry out 30-minute once-per-week playtimes that allow children to work out their struggles and challenges in a calm safe space.

designed to help your child play & work out what’s on their minds & in their hearts. 

to use during playtime (that are nothing like normal life play) that help bring out a child’s strengths. 

from me (an authorized Language of Listening® coach with years of training and mentoring) to help you every single step of the way

When you sign up for my Nurture and Play 8-week immersive, you’ll get 2 years of access to the exclusive Language of Listening® playtime strategy used by (myself) and mothers all over the world. 

These playtimes are not just sitting down on the ground playing with whatever your child has in front of them.

They’re not moments stolen in everyday life.

They’re purposeful,
using specific (easily sourceable) toys, and professional play strategies designed to help your child feel seen, heard, loved, and safe enough to play out whatever’s bugging them. 

  • Time with the kids

  • Playing their games

  • Listening to their endless stories

  • Following their lead

  • Pouring into them night and day

  • Avoiding excessive screen time

  • Keeping healthy routines

Seems like all this effort tryna keep them happy would result in a Confident and Healthy child. 

And yet, you could play with your child all day and give them whatever they (seem to) want and they STILL want more and more and you feel like…

What else can I possibly give this child? Am I doing it all wrong?

And you can’t figure out how to balance your own needs AND your kid's needs without getting ticked off. Like sometimes you’re really ticked off and yell or scream or threaten.

Then in a few hours, you take a guilt bath and blame yourself for all the world’s problems. 

Social media videos, books, and podcasts are encouraging and help a bit, but you need something more evidence-based, proven, and personalized.. 

You KNOW you’ll do what it takes to build your child up. You just need to know HOW.

#1 // Language of Listening®’s playtime method

You’ll learn how to do strategic playtimes (used by many mothers across the world and based off a world renowned child-centered play therapist’s method) to finally achieve breakthroughs in your relationships with your children.

This evidence-based and proven playtime strategy is proprietary and exclusive.

  • Specific step-by-step guide to starting playtimes (Starting April 30th and finishing up at the end of June)

  • Specific toy lists (verrrrry specific to help your child work out their challenges) that are easy to obtain

  • Exactly how to coach your child during playtimes and, if you can believe it, it’s not encouragement or praise.

You're already sinking tons of time down the drain with power struggles, shame swirls, guilt baths, and emotional meltdowns.

What's 30 minutes when it solves all this?

#2 // Coaching calls

Weekly, we’ll get together with a nice drink and chat together (yes, there’ll be replays!) to discuss that week’s lesson. 

In-depth coaching on:

  • Spotting play patterns (and what they mean!)

  • Getting in touch with your child’s strengths vs. fixating on their weaknesses

  • How to “understand” where your child’s coming from even if you don’t agree with their behaviors (which will help facilitate breakthroughs)

  • And whatever else comes up!

#3 // Pop-up playtime community of like-minded mamas

This program would not be complete without a cozy intimate exclusive group where we can chat about all that’s coming up. 

It’ll be a prime place to ask questions, get answers, and have some life changing breakthroughs that’ll improve your parenting for years

  • Immersive experience 

  • Accountability and encouragement

  • Safe place to share your struggles or specific challenges and find solutions

#4 // Skills for life

You’ll get lifetime access (because it’ll live in your head!)  to the best tool you can have: the ability to support your child through their struggles and help them achieve breakthroughs.

  • You can use it at any time, with any child, for as long as you want

  • Bring the playtimes back during life transitions or stressful seasons.

  • Use it to do relationship “resets” when things get tense.

It’s easy, let me show you how.

Sign up for Nurture and Play and get ready to dive in on April 30th!

Gather the toys, learn the tools, and get started with (one child at a time maybe two max) playtimes in your own home.

Watch your child’s behavior normalize, the mom/child connection strengthen, and your own enmeshed-perfectionist-never-enough tendencies fly out the window!

I know, I’ve been there done that and am telling you… it works.

And, because I never could leave well enough alone…

Let’s talk some fun and heart-warming bonuses.

Because these playtimes are designed to build up your relationship with your child, you make them super special. 



Your little gets to color their own Do Not Disturb sign!

Oh the power. 

That's right. You’re putting up a door hanger so nobody disturbs y’all. If you have other kids this is a Must-Do.

Does it make the child having a playtime feel like the Ruler Of The World when you don’t let it disturb the session?


And, they even have options - 6 designs to choose from!


When I tell you that kids love these playtimes, let me tell you again. KIDS LOVE THESE. All week they are like living high on the hog.

And one thing that makes it more special?

It’s a set day and time in the calendar! These beautiful and printable appointment cards help create calmness and connection during the week. Your child can rest easy (without begging for play) knowing it’s coming!


After a playtime, if you’re in the mood, you can highlight your child’s strengths they displayed during the cozy time.

Don’t worry, we will teach you ALL about how to spot strengths your child is showing. 

This is an absolute pivotal portion of playtimes (not the stationary, ha, being able to see your child’s strengths!) and it’s part of what helps your child utilize the power of “compounding self-confidence.”

Helping families is my (strawberry) jam!

Give yourself permission to invest in your children and watch them reap the dividends for life.


  • Language of Listening playtime mastery training ($497 value at the LOL Institute)

  • 8 weekly group calls discussing that week’s trainings ($350 value)

  • Exclusive discussion group for 8 weeks to ask questions, get coaching, and share wins and struggles ($199)

  • Q & A calls for any and all questions ($250)

  • Knowledge of how to have therapeutic playtimes with your child (priceless!)

Total Value = $1296


(Payment plans available!)


$67/month for 3 months


$34/month for 6 months


$67/month for 3 months


$34/month for 6 months

Doors close at midnight April 29th
and we start fresh and enthusiastic on April 30th!

Moms who’ve done the Language of Listening® playtimes training had this to say

Nurture And Play will teach mother's how to engage in playtimes using the Language of Listening® parenting framework  that gives you practical skills that - when used - helps children's struggles disappear and their best selves appear like magic!!!

Take Nurture And Play for a spin. Jump into the immersive experience and, if within 14 days you find it won't work for your family, you'll get your money back. 

I’m an author, mom of 5, and authorized Language of Listening® coach with years of training and experience in This Very Thing: playtimes. 

I’ve worked with purposeful moms for 10+ years and have helped tens of thousands of loyal customers support their precious children and families by giving them tools to make family life more peaceful. 

  • Seeing your child escalate (or go underground with their issues where it feels like you can't get to them) then spending $125 a pop (at least) for play therapy which is typically 1x a week to be effective.

  • Getting in a bad place yourself as you can't make headway then spending $125 a week (at least) for YOUR therapy as you don't know what the heck to do to help your child.

  • Watching years go by with a child who is struggling, not meeting their potential, and getting stuck in unhealthy cycles.

  • Broken relationships as the kids age and you both feel on separate sides (even though you are desperately trying to get them to see you are their #1 supporter!)

What are the dates for this immersive?

April 30th (Tuesday) through June 26th (Wednesday). We'll meet weekly and you'll be wrapped up by July.

Is this like play therapy?

Our playtimes use evidence-based professional skills used in play therapy by play therapists. But you're a mom so... it's not therapy. It is, however, therapeutic, for both mom and child!

This isn't designed to replace play therapy for extreme circumtances. But in the words of a few play therapists, "If more parents did this we wouldn't need to see their kids!"

Will this work for me? We are a special level of dysfunction. My kid has _________"

The joy of power playtimes are that WHATEVER is going on with your child, playtimes will help them work through and bring it out. It doesn't matter if you have a truly unique issue or a run of the mill thing that tons of people suffer quietly with (like when their kid bites, hits, bullies, wets the bed, refuses to use the potty, etc.), playtimes will allow your child to bring it out.

I just don’t think I can spend that right now! Isn’t there a payment plan?

There is! You can pay full price $179 and we have 2 payment plan options.  A 3 month payment plan for $67 a month or a 6 month payment plan of $34 a month. I promise you, it'll be the best money you spend on your family all year. 

What age is this for?

These playtimes are great for kids aged 2 to 12. There's wiggle room, but that's the sweet spot.

I don’t think I have time for this??

The reason that Nurture and Play is so valuable is it helps you create long-lasting connections and support your child in their issues in a short amount of time. The fact is whether you make time for your children or not, time passes and they grow up. 

That hard truth said, if you purchase this course NOW you'll get access to it for 2 years. And I won't open this again for at least 6 months, probably a year from now. 

Can I sign up anytime? 

No. The enrollment ends April 29th with a hard start of April 30th. After that you’ll just go on a waitlist for the next time it opens up. 

What if I have a lot of kids? 

Nurture and play will help you determine how many kids you can do playtimes with at a time. I rotated my kids through and this time am doing 2 children. That's right, I’m doing it with y’all.

The good news is when you have the toys and the tools, you can bring these back for whichever sibling needs the most connection and support... until they leave the house!

How much should I budget for the toys?

You can collect as many toys as you have around your house that fit the bill (you'll probably have MOST). Some can even be made. These toys can’t be in regular rotation for play, they’re specific for playtime. 

You can get some on Facebook marketplace, thrift stores, borrow from friends, etc. of course. However, if you wanted to buy them all brand new off Amazon, I'd budget around $150. 

I’ll hand you the tools to help your child work through challenging behaviors, melt away insecurities, and create a rock-solid family connection. 

And give YOU confidence so you can stop spanking, yelling, threatening, or busting out the iPad to get everyone quiet and calm.

Join my 30-minute (once a week) no-yelling, no-spanking, no-punishment approach to building a strong connection with your child that'll help you avoid expensive therapy bills and embarrassing school interventions later.

Choose the plan that’s right for you!

  • Language of Listening playtime mastery training ($497 value)

  • 8 weekly group calls discussing that week’s trainings ($350 value)

  • Exclusive discussion group for 8 weeks to ask questions, get coaching, and share wins and struggles ($199)

  • Q&A calls for any and all questions ($250)

  • Knowledge of how to have therapeutic playtimes with your child (priceless!)



Choose your payment option below!


$67/month for 3 months


$34/month for 6 months